Friday, September 9, 2016

Home and School Connection

What kind of conversations about school are you having with your children at home?

Here are four conversations that will help you stay involved.

"Let's see what you brought home."

Look at completed work to find out what your child is learning and how well he or she is doing it. Check Teacher Ease, our student information and data system for missing homework or the quality of your child's homework.  Respond to your child's teacher with emails, or notes if you are not into electronics.  Sign their weekly folder or daily planner to ensure parent, child, teacher communication.

"Show me what you have for homework."

It is your child's job and responsibility, but you play a role too.  Make sure your children know what they are supposed to do by having him or her explain it to you.  You may be surprised to find out they are confused on what is being asked of them from their teachers.  After homework is complete, look it over to see if it is finished.

"Describe a book you enjoyed today."

This gives you an idea of what topic or subjects your youngster prefers and enjoys reading.  Encourage their reading and listening skills by reading aloud and letting them read to you.

"Tell me what you learned that you'd like to know more about."

Use your child's interest as talking points to share.  If they like geometry, you might do tangrams together.  If they are fascinated by how animals adapt to winter, take them to the library to research the subject, do a Google search, or go to the zoo to see live animals.

Share victories!  What was the best part of your day?  Did anything happen that wasn't good today?  Kids like to know what went well with their parent's days too!

Getting your kids to communicate with you will only help you stay involved in what they are doing in school.  Research shows that supporting your child's education at home is even more important today.

Taken from Resources for Educators, a division of CCH Incorporated
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